To, to or two Worksheets
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To, to or two

To, to or two For Google Apps

To, to or two

Too or to or two. Here are some worksheets for too, to and two. Complete the sentences and check your answers.
I know how ______________ ride a bike _____________________.
2. My dog has ___________________ too.
3. I’m just __________________ tired ______________ go out.
4. I have ______________ brothers who like ______________ bug me.
5. I will go ______________ bed in _____________ minutes.
6. There are _____________ boys for every girl in our class.
7. You can’t have your cake and eat it ___________________.
8. She wasn’t _________________ pleased ______________ see me again.
9. I gave him __________ dollars ____________ go _________ the store.
10. I’m going ____________ read my ______________ books.
11. My cat is ____________ fat.
12. I have _________________ much homework ____________ do.

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