Persuasive Argument Worksheet Worksheets
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Persuasive Argument Worksheet

Persuasive Argument Worksheet For Google Apps

Persuasive Argument Worksheet

Teaching activities for grades 3-5 for persuasive writing. Activities available for google apps and for print. Supporting an argument is an example of persuasive writing. Examples of persuasive writing are found below.

Persuasive writing prompts and ideas:

School should or shouldn't be optional.
We should or shouldn't have homework.
Students should or shouldn't have to learn a second language.
All cars should or shouldn't be painted yellow.
Students should or shouldn't be allowed to chew gum at school.
Our pets should or shouldn't be allowed to come to school.
We should or shouldn't be allowed to wear hats in school.
All fast food and coffee drive throughs should or shouldn't be banned.
School should or shouldn't be shorter days without recess.
We should or shouldn]'t be able to sit beside our friends in class.
We should or shouldn't be able to eat in class whenever we please.
We should or shouldn't have school uniforms.
We should or shouldn't have the option of doing school online.
Fast food should orshouldn't be banned.
Cell phones should or shouldn't be allowed at school.

All worksheets are created by experienced and qualified teachers. Send your suggestions or comments.