Abstract Nouns and Idea Nouns Worksheets
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Abstract Nouns and Idea Nouns

What are abstract nouns? Abstract nouns are sometimes referred to as idea nouns. They are called abstract nouns because you can’t see or touch them. Examples of abstract nouns are: trust, bravery, pain, courage, love, peace, taste, education, friendship, thought, faith, dream. Be careful when using abstract nouns. For instance: I love the taste of candy. Taste is a noun. BUT, Did you taste it? Taste is a verb. OR, I had a scary dream last night. Dream is a noun Vs Did you dream last night? Not a noun.

Write sentences using abstract nouns. Use nouns from the following list or come up with your own:
Trust, bravery, pain, courage, love, peace, taste, education, friendship, thought, idea, faith, dream, truth, belief, skill, idea, mood, anger, pride, fear, wealth.

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