Self Assessment for Anger Worksheets
Self Assessment for Anger()

Self Assessment for Anger

Self Assessment for Anger For Google Apps

Self Assessment for Anger

One of the best ways to manage anger is figuring out what make you upset. After you figure that out you can figure out strategies to deal with it. It is hard to figure that out in the moment so it is best that we do an assessment when we are calm and gave think logically. When you figure out what causes you to blow a gasket you can look how to deal with it.

Anger Management Self Assessment
Rate yourself.

__________ I get angry often.
__________ I can remain calm when I am angry.
__________ I talk positively when I am angry.
__________ Have a positive attitude toward myself.
__________ Have a positive attitude toward others.
__________ I can act gracefully in awkward or embarrassing situations
__________ I get along with others well.
__________ I fly off the handle easily.
__________ I am open minded and open to helpful suggestions.
__________ I am very sensitive.
__________ I am a forgiving person.
__________ I let my temper get the best of me.
__________ I have strategies for dealing with anger.
__________ I know when to seek help when I get angry.
__________ I can be logical and responsible when I am angry.
__________ I use calming down strategies.
__________ When I am mad, everyone knows it.
__________ I don’t always make good decisions when I am angry or mad.

How do you think you could improve your anger management skills?

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