Vowel Worksheets

Vowel Worksheets

Long and short vowels printables. Vowel worksheets for a e i o u y. R controlled vowels, vowel combinations. Vowel phonics. Vowels are not just long and short, it's important to teach all the sounds that vowels make. 'A' for instance makes a as in lake, a as in sat, a as in all, a as in star, a as in saw. After all, there are more vowel sounds than long or short.

Short Vowel Flip Book - CVC Words
Short Vowel Mini Readers CVC Words
Short Vowel Sounds Worksheets
Short Vowel Wheels for CVC Words
The Vowel A
The Vowel E
The Vowel I
The Vowel O
The Vowel U
The Vowel Y
Vowel Combinations
Vowel Word Lists
Vowel Worksheets. Name the Vowel
Vowels Controlled by R (are, star etc.)
Word Lists for R Controlled Vowels

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