Vocabulary Worksheets

Vocabulary Worksheets

Commonly confused words worksheet and ESL worksheets. Free vocabulary quizzes for the google classroom in google quizzes and in printables. Is or are worksheets. I or me worksheets. Then or than worksheets. Was or were worksheets. Its or it's worksheets. Who or whom worksheets, to, too or two, plural worksheets. These vocabulary worksheets focus on many words that are commonly confused. Each worksheets has the answer on the second page of the worksheet. All of these digital and printable worksheets are free!

Accept or Except Printables
Advise or Advice
All ready or Already Printables
Along or A long Printables
Altogether or All together
An or A Printables
Are or Our
Been or Being
By or Buy
Cannot or Can Not
Compound Words Worksheets
Desert or Dessert
Fair or Fare
Farther or Further
Good or Well
Has or Have
I or Me Worksheets
Is vs Are Worksheets
It's or its
Lead or Led
Maybe or May Be
Plural Worksheets
Their, there, they're worksheets
Then Vs Than Worksheets
To, too or two worksheets
Was And Were Worksheets
Who or Whom Worksheets
Who's or Whose
Your or You're Worksheets

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