Three Types of Communities Worksheets
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Three Types of Communities

Three Types of Communities For Google Apps

Three Types of Communities

This worksheet will help teachers when they teach the social studies strand on communities to their kindergarten students. Students will learn there are 3 communities.
There are rural areas where there are lots of open spaces, fields, forest and farms. People live far apart from each other so it is usually very peaceful. You might see cows, horses and chickens in rural areas.
Then there are suburban area which are a mixture or rural and urban. Houses are close to each other and there are lots of greenspaces and parks to play in. You will find small shops and schools but suburban areas are not as busy as cities or as quiet as rural areas.
Urban areas are big cities with lots of tall buildings and busy streets. People live very close together in apartments and houses. You will find lots of stores, restaurants and schools in urban areas. There are lots of cars, buses and trains moving around making it a noisy place to live.

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